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Call for papers: Citizenship, Social and Economics Education

Mark D. White

The following call for papers may be of interest:

International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education

Bath Spa University, Bath, United Kingdom

Tuesday 28th - Thursday 30th June 2011
(Friday 1st July research/committee meeting day)

Theme: Values and Purposes in Citizenship, Social and Economics Education

Professor Stephen Ball Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education, Institute of Education, London (enterprise and the school curriculum)
Professor Peter Davies University of Birmingham (Editor International Review of Economics Education)
Professor Penny Enslin University of Glasgow (values, citizenship and democracy education)
Professor David Coulby Bath Spa University (international education and curriculum theory)

You are invited to present a research paper, explain curriculum development work or share innovative classroom practice. Research papers may be submitted to the Association's refereed international journal Citizenship, Social and Economics Education ( that will devote a special edition to the conference theme.

The conference will allow opportunities for delegates to:
- find inspiration from colleagues working in related fields and share reflections upon areas such as citizenship education, developmental education, economic education, enterprise education, community education, environmental education, and related fields;
- talk about the problem of knowledge in these areas of the curriculum, and of the theory and practice of enabling all ages of students to become competent and confident at communicating in a context of moral and political pluralism; and
- present and publish work in a supportive and respected international forum.

Abstract submissions should be 200-300 words, linked with the conference theme, however widely interpreted, and be sent by email attachment, in Rich Text Format or Microsoft Word, to the Conference Secretary at [email protected]. All submissions should include brief biographical and affiliation details.

Closing date for submissions: END OF JANUARY 2011

Further Conference and Association information is available at

PO Box 204, Didcot, Oxford OX11 9ZQ, United Kingdom
Check out for the contents of our journals, with abstracts and full texts of all articles, instructions for contributors, together with complete editorial, bibliographical and subscription information.


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