2011 ASSA Meetings: Interesting sessions of all kinds
December 8, 2010
Mark D. White
Now we come to the "miscellaneous" or "grab bag" section of my highlights from the preliminary program for the upcoming Allied Social Science Association meetings in Denver in early January. This should not be taken to imply that any of these sessions are frivolous (though one is, and delightfully so), but rather than each is unique, and therefore did not fit into any of the previous posts (economics and ethics, economics and religion, rationality and choice, and the status of economics and economics education). (The sessions appear below the fold, and as before, I've omitted the names of chairs and discussants, which can found on the program.)
Association of Christian Economists
Health Care: Intervention Principles
"The Effects of Tax Treatment on Employer-Provided Health Insurance," Lance Wescher (Covenant College)
"Institutional Supports and 'Good' Health Insurance," James W. Henderson (Baylor University)
"Non-linear Engel Curves and the Optimal Junk Food Tax," Harry Tsang (University of North Dakota) and Firouz Gahvari (University of Illinois)
"Information Revelation, Incentive Symmetry, the Intervention Principle, and Health Care," Earl Grinols (Baylor University) and Peri Da Silva (University of North Dakota and Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano)
Friday, January 7, 2011, 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
Beyond GDP, Beyond Sarkozy? Towards A National Success Indicator
"Economic Policy Implications of the Sarkozy Report," Richard A. Easterlin (University of Southern California)
"Supplementing Per-Capita GDP as Measure of Well-Being," Robert H. Frank (Cornell University)
"Environmentally Responsible Happy Nation Index: A Proposed National Success Indicator After the Sarkozy Report," Yew-Kwang Ng (Monash University)
"Happiness Measures as a Guide to Development Policy? Promise and Potential Pitfalls," Carol Graham (Brookings Institution)
Friday, January 7, 2011, 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite B
Peace Science Society International
The Economics of Violence
"Dyad-Specific Effects in Dyadic Analysis of Conflict," Jun Xiang (Rutgers University)
"Theocracies," Metin Cosgel (University of Connecticut), Murat Iyigun (University of Colorado and IZA), and Tom Miceli (University of Connecticut)
"Mercenaries in Civil Wars,1950-2000," Sven Chojnacki (Free University of Berlin), Nils Metternich (University of Essex), and Johannes Münster (Free University of Berlin and WZB)
"The Monopoly of Violence: Evidence from Colombia," Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), James A. Robinson (Harvard University), and Rafael J. Santos (Yale University)
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
Marriage and Divorce: Perspectives from Four Countries
"Personality and Marital Surplus," Shelly Lundberg (University of Washington)
"Women’s Education and Family Behavior: Trends in Marriage, Divorce, and Fertility," Betsey Stevenson and Adam Isen (both from University of Pennsylvania)
"Marriage Subsidies and Divorce: An Analysis of Marginal Marriages," Martin Halla, Wolfgang Frimmel, and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (all from University of Linz)
"See You in Three Weeks: Time Inconsistency in Divorce Decision," Jungmin Lee (Florida International University and Sogang University)
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
Economics of the Arts
"Sale Rates and Price Shocks in Impressionist Art: 1980-2007," Kathryn Graddy (Brandeis University) and Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
"Assortative Matching: The Economic Organization of Rock Music Groups," Victor Ginsburgh (ECARES, Brussels and CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve ), Cedric Ceulemans (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles), and Patrick Legros (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
"Art and Money," Will Goetzmann (Yale School of Management), Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University), and Christophe Spaenjers (Tilburg University)
"Optimal Learning Patterns for Creativity Generation in a Field," Jonathan Feinstein (Yale School of Management)
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 8:00 pm, Sheraton, South Convention Lobby
American Economic Association
The Economics Humor Session in Honor of Caroline Postelle Clotfelter
"'Limericks Economiques' by Dr. Goose," David Levkovits (limericksecon.com)
"Supplying Justice, Demanding Vengeance: The Economics of Comic Books," Mark Butler (St. Johns University and Ecocomics Blog) and Nicholas Tilipman (Cornell University and Ecocomics Blog)
"The Economics of the Simpsons," Jodi N. Beggs (Harvard University and economistsdoitwithmodels.com)
"CBO versus OMB...OMG!" Yoram Bauman (University of Washington and standupeconomist.com)
Sunday, January 9, 2011, 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
American Economic Association
Economics of Ancient Societies
"Slavery and Freedom: Reasons and Consequences of the Use of Rewards for Slaves in Ancient Rome," Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (University of Amsterdam)
"Deterrence of Wrongdoing in Ancient Law," Francesco Parisi (University of Minnesota)
"The Origin of Democracy in Athens," Bryan C. McCannon (Wake Forest University)
"How Tyranny Paved the Way to Wealth and Democracy: The Democratic Transition in Ancient Greece," Robert K. Fleck (Montana State University) and F. Andrew Hanssen (Clemson University)
"Price Behaviour in the Roman Empire," Peter Temin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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