When the Scientist Is Also a Philosopher
“The Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.”

Call for papers on Adam Smith for special issue of Filosofia de la Economia

Mark D. White

From the invaluable Heterodox Economics Newsletter comes this call for papers:

Special Issue of the Journal Filosofia de la Economia on “Adam Smith in the history of economic thought and the philosophy of economics”

The Center of Research on Epistemology of Economics (CIECE, School of Economics, University of Buenos Aires) announces a call for papers on the theme “Adam Smith in the history of economic thought and the philosophy of economics” for a special issue of its journal Filosofia de la Economia (Philosophy of Economics). All papers exploring the vast work of Adam Smith on economics, philosophy and other branches of the social sciences are welcome.

Filosofia de la Economia is a trilingual (English, Spanish, Portuguese), peer-reviewed, biannual journal aimed at reaching a broad audience interested in philosophy of economics, methodology and the history of economic thought. The Journal, launched in 2013 and with two issues already published, holds a broad pluralistic view about the discipline and welcomes contributions drawing on the wide range of the different schools of thought. Filosofia de la Economia (ISSN 2314-3592, print; ISSN 2314-3606, online) is available in printed version and electronically.

Contributions to the special issue on Adam Smith must be submitted no later than May 20, 2014.

Guest editors for this issue are Manuel Calderón ([email protected]) and Andrés Lazzarini ([email protected]). Papers must be submitted through its Open Access platform at this website. The special issue will be published in volume 2, no.1, next July 2014.

For more details please contact the guest editors.


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