Vonnegut on Stories
August 16, 2016
A younger friend gently chastised me for never having read Harry Potter, which is clearly a virtue-ethics kind of book series. There are strong demarcations between good and evil, and clear virtues that our hero must learn to develop.
A virtues ethics approach relies on telling stories, generally about things going badly wrong—mistakes made and hopefully some positive resolution at the end. The Potter series is credited with getting younger children to read again (I have no idea if this is so), but I hope that some of the virtues highlighted—hard work, honesty, bravery, and justice—will linger in the minds of readers.
Kurt Vonnegut provides a wonderful short video on the visual shapes of stories leading to plot resolution. His three “models” work surprisingly well, at least so far as in reading Potter.
[Thanks to Eryka Fiedler for the link!]