Civic Virtue
The Trump Disaster

Trump’s Tariffs

By Jonathan B. Wight

Arbitrary, unpredictable, and thoughtless: these are the policy characteristics of the current White House.

The tariffs slapped for “national security” reasons on our major allies today is shocking, a slap across the face of longtime friends and business partners. Is Canada really a security threat?

I spoke yesterday to a high-level executive of a major international company, who shook her head in disgust. She confirmed that there is no way for businesses to plan and to invest in such an unstable business environment.

Why then, is job growth so high?

It’s a paradox, and I don’t have an answer. I am a pointy-headed academic who perhaps fails to understand Trump’s magic voodoo effect on the economy. I’ll be surprised if we are not in a deep recession in a year’s time.


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